National Moot Court Competition - 2022
“The road to success and greatness is always paved with persistent hard work. Beat your competitors, be authentic, and above all, chase your greatness” ~ Dwight Johnson
The National Moot Court Competition was organized for the first time by the Innovative Institute of Law. The competition took place in a 3 day event from April 29th to May 1st in which the problem of the competition was released on 12th March, the last date for submission of the memorial was 15th April. For this competition, a total of 27 teams from various colleges and universities from many states registered their names, out of which a total of 21 teams participated in the competition. The event was inaugurated by Ex Chief Justice of Patna High Court Mrs. Mridula Mishra presently Vice Chancellor, Chanakya National Law University, Patna. Chief Guest Justice Mridula Mishra said that the dedication and curiosity of the students towards the Moot Court will definitely prove to be very useful. When we are in the court, it is very easy to understand who has come before the court with full preparation. It does not take long to understand that these are the same students who must have taken Moot Court seriously during their studies and also participated in Moot Court competitions.As a result of this, such students not only put good petitions before the court, but also put forth their point and argue very well.
During the season, the teams showed a high level of engagement and enthusiasm. The students feel like on a real court with the questions being put by the judges, out of 21 teams participating in the preliminary round, the best performing 8 teams were selected for the quarter final round. A total of 4 court rooms were prepared for the quarter final round. Each team performed one to one in the quarterfinals and the best 4 teams were selected for the semi-finals. The semi final and final round was held on 1st May.
Team NMC-13 & NMC-17 went in the in the final round where Judge Harish Chandra Mishra ( Lokayukta of Delhi & former Acting Chief justice of Jharkhand High Court) and Judge Anjana Mishra ( Armed Force Tribunal, Delhi & Former Judge,Patna High Court) declared the winner – the team of Bharatiya Vidyapeeth. The Innovative Institute of Law honored the winning team with a certificate, trophy, a cash amount of Rs.21,000/- and the runner up team, Vivekananda Global studies, with a certificate, award, a cash amount of Rs.11,000/- and also awarded prizes to all the participants. The judges congratulated the students for their future.