Our Principal
Dr. Mrityunjai Pandey
NamaskaarThe legal discipline has almost undergone a metamorphosis , as the society evolves and humanity adapts to it. We at innovative Institute of Law have set a daunting task to fine tune curriculum and churn out quality and credible lawyers for the country.

We all know there is a severe shortage of credible lawyers and hence we channel all our energies in ensuring an optimal output of alumni’s. Our relationship does not end with the student becoming a qualified lawyer and stepping out. We continue to engage to learn more from his practical experiences so as to fine tune our teachings. So, the alumni aslo feels this sense of belonging that we try to inculcate, nurute and nourish. India is changing fast and we do our best to keep in sync with the change of New India. Hence our motto of being “ Future Ready for New India”
LL.M., Ph.D.